Get Involved

Would you like to be involved in this business in any way at all? We would love to have you join our team. There are so many different ways you can do that from teaching a class, spending time here to oversee things, help us with maintenance, sponsor or donate a membership, or anything else you can see to help. We would love to have your help in any way you see fit.

Teach a class

If you have a skill you would like to share and teach, contact us and let’s chat about what it is and schedule a time for you to come in and teach that skill to Life Shop teens. You can get paid for your time to teach a class, volunteer your time, or receive compensation through our LifeLine Program.


If you have a desire to give back to one of the most important groups of people in our society, teens, please let us know. Helping out at Life Shop would be a great thing to put on a job resume or a college application. There are so many ways you could help. You can teach a class, help with set up or take down for events and activities, help with marketing and social media platforms, become a staff member on-site, or even help with maintenance or cleaning the building.


If you know someone who could benefit from Life Shop, you can donate a membership or an allotted number of hours for them to use at Life Shop. We are also in contact with schools and counselors who know of teens who could benefit from Life Shop, and you could make a donation to go toward one of them. In addition, you can donate to the facility and we can allocate those hours or memberships to those who would benefit from them. Check out our donation page by clicking the button below!